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Community Bible Groups

Flourishing together in authentic community.

Are you fulfilling your purpose? Are you flourishing as a human being?


Every person has a purpose for which they have been created. A purpose they are meant to fulfill. A purpose that, if fearlessly and faithfully pursued, will lead to a flourishing life as a human being created by God for relationship through the person and work of Jesus Christ in participation with the Holy Spirit. 


Community Bible Groups are the means and ways in which Sonoran Community Church seeks to disciple the curious, the doubter, the struggler, the addict, the anxious, the depressed, the hurting, and the fearful in what means to be a flourishing human being. 

Commnunity Bible Groups Logo
Bible Study Group

How does it work?

Each Community Bible Group (CBG) will be focused on a particular location, neighborhood, or section of Casa Grande and are like tiny church. Get involved now to help out!


What topics will be covered?

CBGs will be tailored around a four-fold structure throughout the year while we explore what it means to flourish in Christ. This quarterly structure is as follows: Formed: Discovering out Purpose, Fulfilled: Accepting our Purpose, Following: Living into our Purpose, and Forming: Sherpherding Others into Their Purpose.  

Can I help?

Of course! We would love to have you either helping out by volunteering or just attending and listening. Contact us now to be in our first CBG!

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